Why I love blogs
I felt it was about time I wrote about this. I wax lyrical about the business reasons, the SEO reasons and yes they’re important and you should be doing them, but as a writer blogs are my absolute thing to spend my time on.
You see, blogs are a blank page, they’re an opportunity. Every other place you write you have to conform to rules but on your blog you can go for it.
“They’ll never take our freedom!”
I know what you’re thinking, marketing isn’t about freedom, it’s about results, and I do agree with you. But without freedom everyone looks the same, the world becomes more beige, one campaign blends into another.
We need freedom, we need creativity to spark a point of difference.
That’s where blogs come in.
You can mix up the style, the content, the approach and take your audience on a journey.
You get to show who you really are, free from other people.
Your blog isn’t being directly compared to the one below it….because that’s also your blog.
To show your authenticity, to build relationships and to demonstrate your values you need freedom which means, you need blogs.
“Our lives are defined by opportunities... even the ones we miss.”
The other reason why I love blogs is because they’re a missed opportunity by so many.
Video is the in thing right now, and that makes people think that they don’t need to worry about blogs because they’re doing something else. The truth is that blogs are here to stay, they’re a necessary part of your marketing strategy and those who use them win.
Businesses that blog generate 67% more leads than those without. That’s a huge number of missed opportunities. That means that businesses who blog tend to think ahead, think more strategically and they understand business is a long game. Yes, you can get immediate results but if you want a long-standing, successful business that weathers every storm - you need to get your basics right and that includes blogging.
I want to work with those people. The people who embrace creativity, who put the work in and think ahead. So not only do I get to write the things I love, but I get to do it for amazing people. Who wouldn’t want that?
“Variety is the spice of life”
The one part of my job that I’ve always loved is the variety. I love that I can write about anything and everything from sheep farming to marketing to recruitment to finance to tech. With blogs, I get to explore that even further. I get to spend my days researching new and exciting things, learning and expanding my own mind and in turn, passing that onto the readers.
I can’t imagine a job where I do the same thing day in, day out and blog writing lets me explore new worlds every single day.
What’s not to love?
“I’m ready for my close up”
Who doesn’t love some attention?
Every business’ marketing is about trying to grab that spotlight and keep it for as long as possible.
That’s where blogs come into their own. When you’ve got a well-written blog, you can not only keep your readers' attention for that article but, if you’ve clever with your internal linking, you can entice your audience into a spider's web of blogs.
After all, the more your audience reads about you, the more they’ll love you and the more likely they are to become loyal clients.
No other content type works like that. That’s why blogs are so special.
But it doesn’t stop there, your blogs can inspire everything else you do. They can be turned into social posts, emails, podcasts, vlogs, anything.
Forget Helen of Troy, one blog can inspire a thousand other content nuggets.
Blogs are special, that’s why I love them so much. They offer you freedom, opportunities, options, inspiration and variety.
If I could only do one thing for the rest of my career it would be writing blogs for you lovely people. Plus, I’m pretty good at it too.
For a business they’re essential, for me, as a writer, they’re a necessity.
Want to start utilising blogs to their max? Let’s talk.