5 reasons not to work with me
In a world filled with freelancers and creatives throwing themselves at you, screaming “pick me, pick me”, I’m standing quietly on the sidelines. It’s not that I don’t want to work with you, it’s that to me the best results come from the right client and the right freelancer working together.
Just because you’re looking for a content writer and I happen to be one. That doesn’t mean we’re going to be besties.
I’m not right for everyone, and that’s ok. Because you’re not right for everyone, and that’s ok too. That’s why you should take your time choosing the right content writer for you.
Here are 5 reasons why you shouldn’t work with me.
You need to be in control
There’s a difference between directing and controlling. A director of a play doesn’t go on and move every actor into position. He observes from the sidelines and guides everyone. That’s how we need to work.
I’m great at taking direction. I’m not great at being controlled. If you need to be involved in every comma, word choice and sentence then we aren’t going to produce magical content together.
Work with me if: You’re able to trust the people you’ve chosen to work with
You need someone at set times or days
Here’s how I work….
Client: I need a blog writing on X topic
Me: Great, do you have any more info?
Client: Sure here you go
Me: Amazing, when do you need it by?
Client: 2 weeks on Thursday
Me: I’ll send it over when I’m done
That’s it. I always get the work there before the deadline, but it’s at my convenience and when suits me. I only work Mon - Wed 8.45am-2.30pm. If you need someone that’s going to be working from your office, or available at set days or hours then that’s not how I work.
Part of the reason I went freelance was to have control over my schedule. I’ve worked for clients before where I have office hours and I don’t like it. I need my clients to trust that I’ll get the work done without being watched
Work with me if: You’re flexible about whether I do the work at 6am or 6pm
You don’t know what you want
There’s nothing I find more frustrating than writing something only to have to rewrite it because someone’s changed their mind. I’m happy to do amends, I’m happy to adjust but I’m not going to keep doing the same work over and over and over.
At that point, you’re wasting your time and your money, not to mention causing unnecessary frustration by me (and I’m probably swearing at the screen) but also for yourself.
Working with me should be stress-free, easy, and maybe even enjoyable but we all need to be on the same page to achieve that. The best briefing process in the world can’t conjure up clarity if you don’t have any to start with.
Work with me if: You’re clear about what you need, why and when
You don’t believe in content
I get that sometimes content needs to tick a box, but if the only reason you’re investing in your content is to tick a box then stop.
I truly believe in the power of content to connect, to engage and to generate leads. If that’s not your belief too then we’re going to fall out. Because the content you want to create and the content I want to create are two very different things.
If you don’t think content is worthwhile, if you don’t respect the industry, if you don’t understand the role of content then maybe you’re in the wrong job?
Work with me if: You see content as a strategic marketing tool
You aren’t going to do anything with it
There’s nothing more frustrating as a content writer than crafting a blog, a beautifully researched, clever, witty blog. You’ve nurtured it, you’ve thought about it, you’ve given it love and then nothing happens.
I get that it’s your money and if you want to waste it on a blog that sits in your inbox that’s up to you. But I care about what I do and what I create and I want you to make the most of it. That’s not going to happen if it just sits on your desktop.
Work with me if: You’re proactive and ready to make the most of the content we create
I’m lovely, well at least I think so. I’m easy to work with. I care (too much sometimes). I’m passionate and I’m brilliant at what I do. There are so many reasons why you should work with me.
But only if you tick the boxes above. If you need to be in control, want to know exactly when I’m working while I rewrite your blog for the 5th time and then it’s going to sit in your inbox. Nope. Red flag. I don’t want to work with you.
If on the other hand, you care about your marketing, your brand, your content. You’re proactive and believe in what we can create together please send me a message because you sound like a dream.