Introducing…..well, me
I’m a big believer in knowing the people you work with. After all, surely that’s one of the big perks of working for yourself - that you get to choose exactly who you do, and don’t have to engage with.
So here I am happy to share who I am with you lovely folk and hoping that I get the opportunity to get to know you.
Name: Becky Coote
Birthday: 14 June
Star sign: Gemini
Location: Near Southampton, Hampshire
Family set-up: Husband, 4 kids (17, 8, 5 and 3)
Self-employed since: February 2018
Favourite part of the job: The flexibility and the lovely people I get to work with
Worst part: The admin and never-ending thoughts about work
Earliest memory: Coming down on Christmas morning and finding a blue bike under the tree with streamers on the handles and a white basket.
Likes: Tomatoes (best food in the world), wearing socks, chocolate, cake, walks on the beach, wine, dancing like a loon
Dislikes: Jelly, twiglets, the school run, most fruit, being cold, lying
Favourite film: Sound of Music
Favourite music: 90s pop or dance
Trivia: I competed at the World Cheerleading Championships in 2013 placing 5th
Hidden talent: I can wiggle my ears and my bottom eye lids (though not at the same time)
Dream: To take my family to Disney World in 2025 for my husband’s next big birthday!
What’s your story: My background is in event management and marketing. While on maternity leave with my second youngest I saw a Facebook post asking for a freelance social media assistant and decided to give it a go, I haven’t looked back since.
To start with the money I earned was pocket money, used for fun trips and extras but then slowly I started to earn more and I realised that this was a serious enterprise. The tipping point for me was when I earned enough to allow us to build an extension. That’s when the penny dropped that I could do so much more if I invested in myself. I took the jump and invested in my website, headshots, coaching and a VA. The difference in my mindset and the results was amazing and I want to help other women make that investment and take the leap.
What else should we know: I love what I do. I love digging into a topic and finding that narrative thread that just sparkles and makes everything come to life.
There you go. That’s me!
If you want to chat to debate tomatoes being the best food in the world or have an ear-wiggling contest just shout.