Why I won't write "just one blog" for you

It might seem weird to be writing a blog about why I turn work away. Trust me, it’s not something that comes naturally. But when it comes to requests to write one blog for someone, I get nervous. Because blogging relies on the long-term, and one blog feels like it could be a waste of money. 

Why am I worried about wasting your money if it’s in my pocket? Because I’m a lovely person. Also I want you to fall in love with the power of blogging and you aren’t going to by publishing sporadic blogs. 

So, here’s why I won’t write “just one blog” for you.


To win at blogging you need to be consistent. Now consistency can mean different things to different businesses. But what’s for sure is that one blog isn’t consistent. It’s awkward. If you publish one blog then nothing for six-months anyone coming to your website will notice and Google will notice. Both of those are bad things to happen. 

You want a consistent, regular schedule of lovely, juicy blogs to keep your website fresh, to keep Google happy and to showcase your knowledge and business. Whether we’re talking about a handful of in-depth, researched blogs or some shorter blogs aimed at newcomers to your business it doesn’t matter. What matters is high-quality content published on a (very) regular basis.

Return on investment

If we go back to blogging being part of a long-term marketing strategy, we need to reframe how we think about blogs and content and that spending any money on them is an investment in your future marketing success. That makes one random, lonely blog an epic waste of your money. 

You might strike it lucky and the right person sees that blog at the right time. I mean, pigs do fly right? But if you want to start gaining traction, attracting leads, ranking for keywords, then you need to invest in a long-term content strategy that features….you guessed it, high-quality content published on a (very) regular basis. 

Exceptions to my rule

There’s a but. There’s always a but. Not everything in life is black and white. My rule is more a guiding principle, because there are times where I will write just one blog for you.

Staffing issues

Regular blog writer on holiday? In between posts? Stupidly busy in the office? Those are all instances where I will step in and write one blog to help you out. Of course, if you’re experiencing those things regularly then it might be worth a chat about how I can better support your content strategy. But life happens and it’s handy to have an experienced blog writer who can step in and pick up the slack.

Special occasion

If you’ve got a special occasion - a launch, an event, a milestone that sort of thing, and this blog is almost in addition to your regular content strategy then I’m happy to get involved. There’s no such thing as too many blogs after all!

Part of a bigger project

Sometimes I’m working on a slightly different project for you that includes the odd blog or two. That’s fine. It’s planned, it’s still strategic, it’s just slightly different to your business as usual work.

The best way to get a return on your blogging investment is through consistent, regular content. But regular content doesn’t mean one blog every six months. To get the most from your money, or time, you need to be producing two in-depth high quality pieces of content a month, or weekly smaller blogs. A one off blog isn’t going to do anything. 

I don’t want you to waste your money. I want you to get every penny's worth of value from your blogs. If I don’t think you’re going to get that then I’ll tell you, and unless you fit one of my exceptions then I’m not going to churn out a random blog post for you. Because to me, blogs aren’t an optional extra - they’re an integral part of a successful marketing strategy.

Harsh? Maybe. Heart in the right place? Definitely.

If you’re looking for an experienced blog writing partner then get in touch and we can create a plan for regular, consistent blogs that work for you and get the results you want.

Becky Coote

Becky Coote is a recruitment content and copywriter. With nearly a decade of experience as a freelance writer she loves working with recruitment agencies to use content to connect with their audiences and bring in leads.


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